Welcome to Ōtūmoetai Primary School!

Tēnā koutou! A very warm welcome to all students, families and visitors to our school website. Ōtūmoetai Primary is a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) school bursting with enthusiastic children, dedicated and hard working staff, friendly and involved families and a supportive and committed PTA and BOT all working together towards our school vision of ‘Actively Involved Learners’.

We are excited about continuing our successful journey with you. Our school vision is 'Actively Involved Learners' - this pertains to children, staff, parents, community and whānau. Please get involved in our school - our success depends on the support and involvement of all stakeholders. We look forward to welcoming you to school events, assemblies, class trips, community/whānau meetings and information evenings. We encourage your involvement as classroom helpers, PTA and BOT members, sports coaches and managers and in contributing to school reviews, surveys and school fundraisers. Most importantly, thank you for your involvement with your child and for having your child/ren prepared for school - spending quality time with them, reading to them, having them at school on time, providing them with healthy lunches, ensuring that their uniforms are named, supporting them with homework, sport and extracurricular activities and for being your child’s number one advocate.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, Engari he toa takitini.
Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

If you are new to our area feel free to email or phone to make an appointment to meet with us if you are interested in learning more about our school. We would be happy to meet with you.

Ngā Mihi Nui
Zara McIndoe


What a day at OPS looks like


Latest issue

 Newsletter (18 June 2024.pdf)

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 New Enrolments

We welcome new enrolments.

Please click here to find out about our enrolment scheme, school zone and enrolment process.

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 School Calendar

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